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Dismal Swamp 1600s & 1700s

The 1600s

1665    Lake discovered by William Drummond

1728     Dismal Swamp Canal proposed by William Byrd

1763     Lake Drummond charted by George Washington’s surveyor

1764     Dismal Swamp Land Company chartered

1787     Dismal Swamp Canal authorized by Virginia Legislature

1790     Dismal Swamp Canal authorized by North Carolina Legislature

1793     Work on the Dismal Swamp Canal began

A Young George Washington. With no existing portraits of Washington before the age of 40, Mount Vernon convened a team of experts who used imaging, documents, clothing and likenesses of Washington to create life-size models of him as a 19-year-old surveyor, a 45-year-old general and a 57-year-old president. These life-size models are displayed in three of the 16 galleries of the Mount Vernon Education Center.


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